ThermiVa is a new, non-invasive, non-surgical procedure that uses radiofrequency energy to help reclaim, restore and revive vaginal skin and tissue. ThermiVa treatments provide gentle heat to contract tissues, also encouraging collagen production and potential tissue and nerve healing. There is no downtime and women can resume their normal sexual activity the same day.
ThermiVa has shown proven results in one or more of these areas:
• VAGINAL LAXITY: to tighten the vagina at the entrance to and full length of the vaginal canal.
• VULVAR/LABIAL LAXITY: to tighten the labial tissues and reduce noticeable sag.
• VAGINAL/VULVAR DRYNESS OR ATROPHIC VAGINITIS: to add softer and thicker skin and relieve dryness without the use of hormones.
• MILD TO MODERATE STRESS INCONTINENCE: to reduce accidents and leakage, and possibly reduce urge symptoms. Used with consistent Kegel exercises, ThermiVa may reduce or eliminate the need for mesh slings.
• SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION: to increase sensitivity and strengthen muscular contractions, leading to greater sexual satisfaction for women and their partners.
Thoughtfully designed with comfort in mind.
Hand Piece Size: The width of the hand piece is about 0.5”. The specially designed hand piece has a thoughtful design with comfort in mind.
Active Tip: The small metal square on the bottom of the electrode is the active tip – this is the area that will gently heat the tissue via emission of radiofrequency energy.